Scream Date Grey- Haunted House by Alexander Henry

DE# 9068 B.jpg
DE# 9068 B.jpg
DE# 9068 B.jpg
DE# 9068 B.jpg

Scream Date Grey- Haunted House by Alexander Henry


Dracula and his lady of the night measures 16 cm long and 14 cm wide, Pattern repeat 42 cm.

Made By Alexander Henry

Fabric Medium weight cotton / 112 cm wide

We sell this fabric by quarter metres, there are 4 of these in a metre. Orders of more than 1 will be cut in a continuous length.

1 quarter measures 50cmx56cm/2 quarters (half metre) 50cm x 112 cm

3 quarters 75 cm x 112cm/4 quarters (Metre) 100cm x 112 cm

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